Crime Safer

Press Statement issued by the Vice-Chairman MCPF Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye Vice-Chairman of the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today called on all Malaysians from all strata of society to be united in a common endeavor to combat crime and help address the public fear factor towards crime. Lee […]

Akta Pencegahan Jenayah (Pindaan dan Pemerluasan) 2013

Akta Pencegahan Jenayah (Pindaan dan Pemerluasan) 2013 The MCPF welcomes the Prevention of Crime Act 2013 (Amendment and Extension) which has been gazette and will be enforced tomorrow.   The enforcement of the amended legislation and its extension to Sabah and Sarawak is a clear indication of the Government’s commitment in the fight against organized […]